In astrology, the planetary constellations have been interpreted to know the present and future of human beings. These planets, Nakshatra, Tithi, War, Karan motions have a profound impact on the life of man. In this version, we will speak of the Mool Nakshatra. We will convey to you its type, its effect and its importance.
While some constellations or Nakshatras are good fruitful for man, some constellations give ominous fruit. One such constellation is the Mool Nakshatra. According to the Scriptures, it is believed that the natives born in the Mool nakshatra have to face hardships for some time. It is necessary to prevent these sufferings of the natives. According to astrology, the Mool nakshatra has been ranked 19th in the Nakshatra Mandal. The Mool means root or stable. The Mool nakshatras are often fiery and firm in nature. They are also known as Satasa or Gandat besides the Mool Nakshatra. When a person is born in these constellations, they have a special effect on these people. Ketu is the Lord of the Mool Nakshatra and its planet Lord is the planet
Jupiter or Guru. Ketu and Jupiter, which have two totally different effects, lend negative and positive energies respectively. Lord Jupiter is the Lord so those born in the Mool nakshatra always have the effect of Ketu and Jupiter. Scientifically, the Mool constellation is located on the left side of the Milky Way. This is an indicator of its nature.
The Mool Nakshatra is divided into four phases which are also known as the Padh. These four phases come in Sagittarius zodiac. They come in 0°C to 13°20 degrees under Sagittarius. The first position of the Mool Nakshatra is the planet Mars, the lord of the 00°00′ – 03°20′ part of Sagittarius. Its indicator is the word is invention or discovery. In the second phase, the planets are the masters of the 03°20′ – 06°40′ part of Sagittarius. The Lord of this part is the planet Shukra or Venus. Its indicator word is Creativity or Rachantmak.
In the third term, the planet Mercury is the owner of the 06°40′ – 10°00′ part of Sagittarius. Its indicator word is articulation. In the fourth term, the planet Moon is the master of the 10°00′ – 13°20′ part of Sagittarius. Its indicator is the word Bhavana or Emotion. The lord of Sagittarius Zodiac is Jupiter. It is symbolized by a bale of roots or lion's tail. Adhipati Dev or Lords are Prajapati, Shas, Ketu. Ketu's Adhipati dev is Lord Ganesh. According to the name, the natives born in Mool nakshatra are determined types of people. Once they decide to accomplish the goal they are determined to accomplish it. Mool nakshatra affects the nature and health of the child. If a person is born in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius Lagna/ascendant, it does not receive an ominous fruit even when born in the Mool nakshatra. Even if the boy is born at night and the girl is born in the day, the effect of the Mool nakshatra is eliminated even if he is born in the Gand Mool Nakshatra.
Mool, Jyeshtha and Ashlesha, these three constellations are called the Mool nakshatras. Aashvani, Revati and Magh are called the Sahayak Mool Nakshatras. Altogether there are 6 Mool nakshatras. Mool, Aashvani, Ashleusha, Magh, Jyeshtha and Revati. Children born in these constellations suffer from the point of view of health and the Mool nakshatra has a bad effect on their health. It is believed that at such a time when the father should not see the face of the newborn unless it is not made peaceful. It is also true that all decisions should not be taken only on the basis of constellations or nakshatra. Decide it only by looking at the horoscope. If the baby's Jupiter and moon are strong, the child's health crisis is over. Similarly, there is no need to worry if the planets of the father or family are strong. After completion of 8 years of a child, the effect of the Mool nakshatra does not remain. If the Mool nakshatra is likely to have a side effect immediately, make peace of the Mool nakshatra after twenty-seven
days after birth. The child's parents chant "Om Namah Shivaya" every morning till the child is eight years old. If the child is more than 8 years of age, the Mool nakshatra does not require peace because the heavy crisis usually lasts for 8 years. If the child's health is weak due to the Mool nakshatra, keeping the baby's mother fasting for the full moon is necessary. If the child has Rashi Aries and Nakshatra Ashwini, let the child worship Hanuman Ji. If the zodiac is Leo and Nakshatra Magh, let the child shower water to the Sun. If the child's zodiac sign is Sagittarius and Nakshatra are Mool, Gurus and Gayatri worship must be done. If the child's
zodiac is cancer and nakshatra Ashleusha, then Shiv Ji should be worshipped. Hanuman Ji's worship is good when it comes to Scorpio and Jyeshta Nakshatra. If you have Pisces and Revati Nakshatra, Ganesha Worship will bring benefit.
The person who is born in the Mool nakshatra is an attractive personality. The texture of his body is slim and his face is bright. Their seductive physique makes people easily attracted to them. People born in the Mool nakshatra, have modern thoughts and ideas, are humble and are known for their determination and clear vision. Their lives are full of comforts. They don't have to face any trouble. Their marital life is successful. When it comes to physical pain, they have pain like joint pain, back pain, etc.
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