I am Dr. Akhand, a dedicated Numerologist and Loshu Grid Analyst with four years of experience in this field. My primary interest lies in the deep study of Numerology and Loshu Grid principles, exploring their complexities and intricacies. I have been guided by Shri Krishna Das Ji, who has imparted profound knowledge and expertise to me in this discipline.
Numerology (Numbers Astrology)
Name and Lucky Number Analysis
Mobile Number Analysis
Gemstone and Rudraksh Recommendations
Loshu Grid Solutions and Remedies
Yantra Recommendations based on Numerology Charts
I am committed to providing accurate and effective remedies based on numerological insights. I aim to help people overcome their life challenges through simple and practical solutions derived from Numerology and Loshu Grid Analysis.
I am now expanding my reach through Astroswamig.com to assist more people and offer them reliable solutions through my expertise in Numerology and Astrology.